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Florida Eviction Moratorium Extended Until September 1, 2020. However, Don’t Breath Your Sigh of Relief Just Yet!

Posted by Debi Rumph | Aug 05, 2020 | 0 Comments

COVID 19 Tenant Rights

If you have read my article:  Corona Virus 19, Florida Evictions, and Tenant's Rights, by now, you know that depending on a tenant's circumstances, in Florida, a landlord was initially prohibited from filing an eviction against a tenant up until at least May 17, 2020.  However, if you have not, please read it here:

Then, the Florida eviction moratorium was extended to June 2, 2020:

Then, the Florida eviction moratorium was extended to July 1, 2020:

Then, the Florida eviction moratorium was extended to August 1, 2020:

Now, the Florida Eviction Moratorium Has Been Extended to Until At Least September 1, 2020

In the state of Florida, the eviction moratorium has been extended again—this time until at least September 1, 2020:

However, the Governor Has Changed the Terms of the Moratorium!

Now, not only can landlords serve tenants with three-day notices, but now, landlords have been given the “green light” to actually file eviction lawsuits against tenants.

Thus, now, it appears as if the moratorium only prevents Florida courts from “providing final action at the conclusion of an eviction proceeding under Florida law when the proceeding arises from nonpayment of rent by a residential tenant adversely affected by the COVID-19 emergency.” The latest moratorium is very narrow protection for tenants. In sum, it appears only to stop the eviction process just short of authorizing a sheriff to remove a tenant from the rental premises.

Therefore, Tenants should consider attempting to prepare themselves now.

About the Author

Debi Rumph

The Law Offices of Debi V. Rumph and Debi's Tenant Clinic Corner About Us Since July 2005, The Residential Realty Law Firm provided a wide range of legal services as it related to home ownership. However, on July 1, 2012, The Residential Realty Law Firm became the Law Offices of Debi V. Rumph. Debi pr...


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